General information on the site, respect for privacy, and copyright law

1. Protection of the right to privacy

We will do all that we can to identify and rectify the problem.




The text, layouts, illustrations and other elements appearing on this site are the property of the publisher of the site, unless stipulated otherwise. Any copy, adaptation, translation, arrangement, or modification of any and all parts of this site, in any form, and through any means, whether electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, is strictly prohibited without previous authorisation of the holder of the copyright. Any infraction may give rise to civil or criminal proceedings.


3.1. Limited responsibility

Browning reserves the right to change at any time, without prior notice, the content of the site as well as the conditions of access and the conditions of use of the site.

This website may contain links to sites managed by third parties. These links are only made available for your convenience. Browning International does not exercise any control over the sites in question, nor does it assume any responsibility for their content. The insertion of links to these websites does not signify that Browning International approves of the content of these websites, and no association should be inferred between Browning International and the site managers or operators.

Whoever uses these links is fully aware that the Internet contains documents of which the content could be viewed as contrary to moral standards or harmful, and recognises that Browning International has no means by which to control these illicit or harmful documents. Browning International cannot be held responsible for errors in the website addresses or domain names which appear on the Browning International site.